Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is fatal within minutes of collapse if left untreated, and the majority of OHCA patients die before hospital admission. Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves survival. In particular, the presence of shockable rhythms was identified as a critical factor for survival if the first shockable rhythm defibrillated with an automated external defibrillator (AED). OHCA patients who are found with a shockable initial rhythm are more likely to survive if they are defibrillated with an automated external defibrillator (AED).

However, many OHCA patients are not found in a shockable rhythm due to prolonged emergency medical services (EMS) response times, particularly in residential areas where most OHCAs occur. When CPR is started quickly after collapse, the length of time that a shockable rhythm persists may be extended, thus prolonging the opportunity for successful defibrillation. Identifying and implementing systems that increase the likelihood of immediate CPR provision and rapid defibrillation are vital to improving survival.

ZOLL AED Plus with Real CPR Help Technology

Not all AEDs are created equal when it comes to helping victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Unlike his other AEDs, the ZOLL® AED assists the rescuer with built-in real-time feedback on compression rate and depth. Recommended by medical professionals, the ZOLL AED Plus® defibrillator with Real CPR Help® technology guides rescuers to perform quality CPR and provides built-in audio and visual feedback.

The ZOLL AED Plus® defibrillator with Real CPR Help® technology helps rescuers to provide high-quality CPR and will deliver a shock if needed. Real-time CPR feedback on compression rate and depth gives lay rescuers confidence and clarity throughout the rescue.

How to Recognize Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

So, how to respond to sudden cardiac arrest? Cardiac arrest is quite sudden. For this reason, it is necessary to know what the symptoms are and how to recognize them. Symptoms include:

  • Sudden loss of responsiveness. Even if I ask if he/she's okay, even if I pat him/her on the shoulders, there's no answer.
  • Abnormal breathing. There may be only gasps of air or no breathing at all
  • No pulse. In sudden cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating. If people show these symptoms, you need to act quickly

If cardiac arrest is suspected, follow these steps.

  • Check the reaction. Walk up to the person and ask if he/she is okay and tap to see if he/she can answer. If he/she doesn't move, talk, blink, or react, you should follow the rest of the steps.
  • Tell someone in your area to call 112/119 Jakarta/National and tell someone else to get an AED. If you are alone, dial 112/119 first, then follow the instructions of the coordinator.
  • Check for breathing. If the person is gasping or not breathing at all, give CPR.
  • To administer CPR, push hard and fast. Push down 5 cm on the center of the chest. Push fast and controlled at a rate of 100 to 120 pushes a minute, and let the chest resume a normal position after each push.
  • Use an AED. If a person provides an AED, turn it on and follow the instructions for use.
  • Keep pushing. Keep giving CPR until the person starts breathing or a medical professional takes over.


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